Focus on Your Authentic Self

Sometimes we lose sight of who we really are because we are so busy trying to be liked, accepted and appreciated. It can be really difficult to boldly step out in life because we are too far removed from our real self. By turning your focus inward, to see what you deeply desire, value and cherish in life will bring you back into alignment with your authentic self.

The more honest I am with myself, the better I like who I am. Today I embrace my authentic self.

Morning Ritual

Morning Affirmation (Set Your Intention)
Music: “Up in Building” by Macroform

Set your intention

Before getting out of bed, take a few minutes to fill yourself with positive emotions by taking five deep, slow breaths. As you inhale, feel the oxygen lovingly filling your lungs. Accept and receive the air with an attitude of gratitude for your precious body. 

After connecting with your body and breath, set your intention for the day by stating the energy or emotion you wish to feel today.

Finally, end the morning ritual by saying out loud today’s affirmation.

Midday Ritual

Midday Ritual (Focus on Self-Awareness)
Music:  “Up in Building” by Macroform

Focus on Self-Awareness.

Take a break around lunchtime to become quiet, still and centered for a few minutes. Take five deep cleansing breaths, once again connecting with your body, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen. Actually sense and feel gratitude for your lungs’ ability to welcome the oxygen and feel grateful for your heart pumping the oxygen-rich blood throughout your beautiful body.

Your midday activity involves writing in your journal. This time you will make a list of three to five things you have avoided doing out of fear, lack of confidence or procrastination. If you weren’t worried about what others thought of you, if you were not restricted by your rational, reasonable mind, what fun, crazy or daring things would you like to do in life? As you become open and honest with yourself about your innermost desires, you may feel resistance. Remember to tune into the feelings that arise. Breathe into them, exhale them and keep brainstorming on things you would do in life, business or love if and when you are living from your most authentic self.

Evening Ritual

Evening Ritual (Imagining a Future Based in Passion)
Music: “Up in Building” by Macroform

Inner Sight.

Tonight you will take five to ten minutes to do deep breathing as your transition from workday to rest time. No erotic literature tonight. Instead, this evening you will take a deep dive into what it would be like to fully acknowledge your deepest desires and interests.

Continuing from the midday activity make a list of how your life would be different if you were following your passion, intuition or wishes for self-exploration. Begin to visualize and fantasize about what life would be like if you were fully embracing your right to self-expression, your right to self-pleasure and your desire for fun or bliss. Write down what would be different if you gave yourself permission to be truly, authentically you.

End the evening with writing, for at least five minutes, what you noticed with doing each of the rituals. How did it feel to openly embrace your authentic self? Did you notice any resistance or flutters in your stomach during the midday activity? Take any additional notes to become more in tune and aware of all of your sensations and feelings today.

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