Focus on Your Inherent Worth

So many of us feel we need to prove ourselves to others. From childhood onward, whether we feel the need to prove we are smart or strong, to our parents, siblings or peers, we can lose sight of our natural worth quite easily. Today you will remember that the Universe created you for a purpose. Therefore, you are worthy of love, attention and joy. You are a child of the Universe and you have your own important role to play in life.

I know I am a valuable asset to this world. Today I hold the highest vision of who I am & why I am here.

Morning Ritual

Morning Affirmation (Set Your Intention)
Music: “Respiro” by Mattia Vlad Morleo

Set your intention

Before getting out of bed, take a few minutes to fill yourself with positive emotions by taking five deep, slow breaths. As you inhale, feel the oxygen lovingly filling your lungs. Accept and receive the air with an attitude of gratitude for your precious body. 

After connecting with your body and breath, set your intention for the day by stating the energy or emotion you wish to feel today.

Finally, end the morning ritual by saying out loud today’s affirmation.

Midday Ritual

Midday Ritual (Focus on Your Sense of Hearing)
Music: “Respiro” by Mattia Vlad Morleo

Focus on your sense of hearing.

Take a break around lunchtime to become quiet, still and centered for a few minutes. Take five deep cleansing breaths, once again connecting with your body, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen. Actually sense and feel gratitude for your lungs’ ability to welcome the oxygen and feel grateful for your heart pumping the oxygen-rich blood throughout your beautiful body.

This afternoon you will really pay attention to the sounds in your environment. You may choose to play some of your favorite music and really listen to each instrument. See if you can hear the loving attention that the musician put into the piece. If you’re out in nature, listen to the hum and vibration of all that is around you such as the wind rustling the leaves in the trees, the birds singing, and even the traffic noise. Take note of how sound can caress or attack your eardrum.

Evening Ritual

Music: “Respiro” by Mattia Vlad Morleo

Sensual Play.

Tonight you will take five to ten minutes to do deep breathing as your transition from workday to rest time. Then spend fifteen or more minutes reading erotic literature.

This evening you are to bring an element of play to your sensual touch time. It would be best to purchase a sex toy, such as a dildo or vibrator, but you could also use a common household item such as a spray of water from the shower head. Get creative if you must. The goal is to use something other than your hands to touch yourself. Orgasm is optional tonight.

For at least five minutes, write in your journal what you noticed while doing each of the rituals. How did it feel to affirm your value to the world? Were you able to tune into your body again during the midday breathing session? Write down the sounds you observed and if they were perceived as pleasure or just noise. Take any additional notes to become more in tune and aware of all of your sensations and feelings today.

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